Med Europe Terminal uses an unique data system called ISOTOP in order to deal with its operations.This TOS (Terminal Operating System)has been developped for a few years by a team from MGM Group (working both for Fos and Marseille)with data processing and operational skills (with the cration of a new firm : MGPS). ISOTOP was adopted for new developments, with the help of several famous firms dealing in logistics(cf. logos underneath). The technologies used are the most advanced in the industry field: OCR, DGPS, RFID, LASER , WIFI, on every level (VBS, Terminal gate,gantries, trains, and so on …).Any other information will be available by contacting MGPS : {mailto address="

 For a quick summary of the important functions, please click on two of the specific TOS ISOTOP system underneath components. Yard Dynamic Management Vehicle Booking System VBS / OCR